These old cautionary tales have got both egg and non-egg fanatics out there perplexed as to whether or not their consumption is just as bad as inhaling fumes. These precious yolk-bearing ovals have been tagged as a strong source of the body’s increase in cholesterol and other heart-related illnesses.
Myths about Eggs
There have been so many allegations thrown against the reputation of eggs, more specifically in terms of their impact on our health. These old cautionary tales have got both egg and non-egg fanatics out there perplexed as to whether or not their consumption is just as bad as inhaling fumes. These precious yolk-bearing ovals have been tagged as a strong source of the body’s increase in cholesterol and other heart-related illnesses. Years ago, we had been warned to cut down our consumption because of the high content of cholesterol present in them that are feared to be clogging our arteries. Today, on the other hand, many studies have emerged in defense to the nutritional significance that eggs bring to our health. Isn’t it about time to unveil the truth behind all the allegations? Read on to unveil these unknown nourishing advantages and health benefits.
Healthy Eyes
Lutein and zeaxanthin are naturally present in a tiny area of our eyes’ retina- the one in charge of our vision. As we age, however, accumulation of lutein starts to dwindle, thereby causing degenerative conditions of the eye to take place. If not dealt with properly, this could lead to- knock on wood- blindness. This is why it’s only but logical to add lutein-rich food to our diet if we are serious about having healthy eyes. But where else can we find these foods that promote healthy eyes? Some may wonder. Well, the yolk of chicken eggs is the answer. According to one study, these eyesight friendly nutrients are more abundant in egg yolks than in any other source! So, if your vision has been a bit blurry lately, you probably find this finding worthy of a try.
Healthy Heart
Although egg yolks contain fat, studies proves that it is the saturated fat derived from unhealthy food sources that’s causing blood cholesterol levels to skyrocket. The fat present in eggs is actually unsaturated. In fact, this is the kind that is linked to high-density lipoprotein or better known as HDL. HDL is the “good cholesterol” that battles its opponent called low-density lipoprotein or “bad cholesterol” – the anti-hero of the story that accumulates in the blood vessels causing blood clots and subsequently, heart attack. This means that if we have more good cholesterol coming from these precious poultry products, then our risk of having heart problems will be greatly reduced.
Healthy Hair
Eggs, which are protein-rich, also have this often underrated mineral: Sulfur. This mineral is crucial to our metabolism. Now, if our body doesn’t have enough of it to aid our metabolism, this can lead to unwanted, painful bone and muscle conditions; conditions which can be avoided if we reap the healthful benefits of munching on these golden yolks. Although, this nutrient is also present in cabbages, garlic, and onion, sulfur is most likely to be plentiful in eggs. Another thing is that this is also essential in promoting great hair and skill cells. Now, you have the answer to your bad hair days!
Different takes on the subject at hand can truly leave us baffled, to state the obvious. So if you’ve been feeling unsure about it, it’s time to have enough of all the skepticism and egg-shaming. Those archaic notions are nothing but myths. With all the amazing aforementioned benefits of eggs that are backed up by scientific studies, it would only be prudent to invest in our health with help of this amazing poultry miracle!
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Different takes on the subject at hand can truly leave us baffled, to state the obvious. So if you’ve been feeling unsure about it, it’s time to have enough of all the skepticism and egg-shaming. Those archaic notions are nothing but myths. With all the amazing aforementioned benefits of eggs that are backed up by scientific studies, it would only be prudent to invest in our health with help of this amazing poultry miracle!
Visit for more updates on health benefits and poultry updates.
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