Friday, December 12, 2014


Moderate consumption of eggs is healthy. There are several advantages of eating eggs, in that they help make our bodies beautiful inside and outside. They are responsible in making beautiful hearts and hair.

We are going to look at several reasons why we should include Eggs in our diet;

Making of healthy babies.

Eggs are very important for pregnant mothers because they have B vitamin called Choline that helps in the brain development of babies. Choline also lowers the risk of mental disabilities in young children.

Great source of vitamin D.

Due to poor feeding habits and lack of sunlight, deficiency of this vitamin has become common. This is why eggs should be included in meals because not only is it available but also cheap.

Rich in protein

Eggs are a good source of protein. They have all the amino acids the body requires.

Good for the immune system.

Eggs are good for improving the immune system. The iron present in eggs is responsible for normalcy in production of red blood cells.

Good memory.

The nutrients and vitamins in eggs are good for the functioning of memory. In this case choline is responsible for improvement of memory and cognition.

Protects eyesight

Eggs have two antioxidants called leutin and zeaxanthin that are responsible for protecting eyes from ultra violet rays. They also protect old people from getting cataracts.

Assist in weight loss.

Eating eggs in the morning helps in losing weight because they curb the craving for eating a snack at midday. The other reason is they reduce the intake of calories during the day.

Balances the cholesterol.

The liver which produces cholesterol in the body evens out with the many eggs we take. The less you don’t take egg the more the liver produces cholesterol.

Promote healthy hair.

Vitamins A, D, E are good for the growth of healthy hair. The high quality protein that is found in eggs promotes long and shiny hair.

 Prevents breast cancer

The mineral choline present in eggs prevents breast cancer. Research has proven that adolescent girls who have the highest intake of eggs, lowers the risk of getting breast cancer in their adult life.

Not all eggs are good for your health. The advisable eggs to take are those that are not induced with hormones or chemicals. These days eggs prices are also very reasonable. So enjoy eating eggs and be healthy.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Chicken is among the popular staple food in many homes. There are several ways of preparing chicken. Boiled chicken can be more nutritious than the fried one.

Chicken induced with antibiotics and hormones is very harmful to the human body because of the chemicals. The best advisable chicken for human consumption is the one that is reared through free range.

Chicken Price

The following are the important health benefits of chicken

Protects cancer

A small portion of niacin also known as vitamin B3 is enough for the day. This vitamin helps in preventing cancer. Selenium is another vitamin that protects the body from cancer.

Brain health

Niacin or B3 is also helpful to the brain. Diseases like Dementia or Alzheimer’s are fought against by vitamin B3 that is found in chicken.

Keeps the heart healthy

Vitamin B6 that is found in chicken helps in keeping homocysteine  low. High levels of homocysteine can be destructive to the walls of the blood vessels.

Healthy thyroid

Selenium in chicken is responsible for the normalcy in the functioning of thyroid. Research has proven that deficiency can lead to low T3 levels.

Weight loss

For people with weight problems and want to lose some pounds, chicken is the best food. Unlike beef and pork chicken has low fat content calories.

Boosts energy

A good plate of chicken when feeling tired and your energy level is boosted. With the presence of vitamin B6 and B3 that are important to the body, helps  in boosting the energy back.

Reduce the risk of arthritis

People at a later stage in life are advised to eat plenty of chicken. This is because the mineral Selenium present in fowls helps in lowering the risk of ailing from this chronic disease.

Protects against Alzheimer’s disease

Regular consumption of chicken lowers the risk of the Alzheimer’s disease, this is because of the niacin that is found in chicken.

B Vitamins for energy

Not only is chicken a good source of protein but also a good source of energy. The B vitamins help in production of energy in the body.

Protects bone loss in older people

Older people who have the highest consumption of protein are at a lower risk of bone loss in old age than those who have less intake of protein.

The overall intake of any kind of protein protects from bone loss. You can find chicken shops nearby you. You also can explore about the chicken rates in India via internet. There are many websites who can provide you details about current status of chicken price on SMS.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Eggs are among the foods that have nearly every nutrient that is essential to our bodies. An egg every morning at the breakfast table ensures a nutritious day for you this is because an egg contains all the nutrients that are required by the body.

The intake of an egg enhances a child’ concentration in class, improves reading skills and behavior.

Egg Rates in India

Benefits of eggs for our bodies:

Cholesterol level

They have the highest cholesterol level but this doesn't mean they increase the cholesterol in the blood. In fact the liver which produces a lot of cholesterol evens out with the many eggs that we take.

Raises HDL

HDL stands for High Density Lipoprotein which is good cholesterol. Research has proven that people who have the highest level of the good cholesterol have lower chances of ailing from diseases like heart diseases and other health problems. 

Contain Choline

Choline is an essential nutrient that is soluble in water. Choline is used to produce signalling molecules to the brain. Eggs are an excellent source of choline which is an essential nutrient that people don’t really know about.

High quality in protein

Proteins are also known as the body building foods. They aid in making tissues that are functional and structural. They contain Amino acids that are essential to our bodies. The right intake of proteins helps in controlling weight.

Prevents breast cancer

Research has recently shown that the intake of eggs as an adolescent lowers the risk of getting breast cancer as an adult. Choline which is found in egg yolk prevents women by 24 percent from breast cancer.

Enhances weight loss

Most people have this notion that daily consumption of eggs is fattening and unhealthy. This is not so, eating an egg at breakfast reduces your calorie intake all day. Another reason for this is because eggs tend to make one feel full for longer therefore you don’t get to eat at mid-day.

They have the highest level of vitamin D which is important in building of bones and teeth. Too much of something is poisonous. Egg prices is not must higher in India. You can buy eggs anywhere at suitable rates. If you want to get details about Egg price on SMS then there are many websites who are providing such services you can register on them. Eat healthy live longer. We should be cautious with what we eat!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Top 10 Benefits of Chicken

Seriously speaking, chicken, and all its poultry parts, has numerous health advantages that we may not know about just yet. It's a whole package - down from the meat to the internals. The broiler rate is available in the market. To name a few, reference below:

Chicken Rates

Good source of protein

The lean meat makes your muscles be at its utmost health. The breast part especially has little fat. It is best paired with foods rich in carbohydrates as it can be a perfect food after workout so muscles will be well-built.

Strengthen bones to protect you from arthritis or osteoporosis

Studies show that a small serving of chicken on a regular basis can give you strong bones which to avoid you bone problems are your age add up year over year.

Natural antidepressant

A bowl of chicken is proven to calm stressed nerves. You can get it naturally when you help yourself with a chicken dish especially during the times when you’re down or anything of similar state. It can give you that sense of relief or happy feeling.

Anti-cancer agent through Niacin or vitamin B3

Niacin had been protecting people from high cholesterol which is harmful for the heart or can cause cancer. Chicken may also be high in cholesterol but niacin content serves as the leverage.

Weight maintenance

Vitamin B6 balances metabolism so keeping your weight average at bay is best done with any chicken menu added on your regular intakes. When you are into weight watch, you better think of a chicken meal regularly.

Normalize thyroid problems

Chicken has minerals that get you off sore throats and any thyroid problems. It has a natural anti-inflammation ingredient just it also has anti-histamines content.

Relief for common colds

In as early as a few generations back, every time children catches colds, grandparent would always prepare a hot mouth-watering chicken broth. Once you have this, your breath goes easy as mucus brought about by colds softens up. So chicken may not be the cure, but at most, it provides relief.

Fights infection

The Vitamin A content or beta-carotene naturally sweeps off those bacteria causing infections and any disease-carrying factors around that can be harmful to your health.

Appetite enhancer

Zinc increases appetites. Chicken has this mineral content making your taste buds have the craving effect. It is a usual content of food supplements. It helps improve your eating habit and this enables you to achieve a balance diet.

Assists growth

The amino acid content in a chicken meal helps you grow taller and stronger. Children need this as a health requirement as it can increase the level of growth minerals in the body.

So, you see? The fowl meat is a jam-packed source of vitamins and minerals which is definitely the most flexible menu to prepare. It can be a daily staple on your table but you will never get bored with it. To date, chicken rate increases worldwide, so the health of everybody is supposed to be at bay. A bowl of chicken a day will keep off the bad health elements away.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Poultry Bazaar Became the Leading Poultry Rate Provider in India

Poultry Rate

Egg Rates in India

The well-respected humble Sales Supervisor of Poultry Bazaar had released the following statement, “Poultry Bazaar has finally becomes the leading poultry rate provide in all of India. With branches all over the country, we have managed to deliver the demand of poultry. The egg rate has been enough to fill the tables of every Indian family which includes this in their daily staple. We will continue to provide the same until such time that the chickens run out, which we will make sure not to happen.”

Broiler Rate in India

The broiler rate in the country had also been in good shape. Prices never increased and it stays on average. Most of the time, consumers would reserve and attempt to keep stock full or enough, but Poultry Bazaar can manage. The Suguna broiler rate once encountered a shortage but it did not take long. They did their best to cope. Harvest had been doubled up to suffice the demand for every city. Necessary step to salvage that very short period of deficit was quickly resolved. Importing chicken rate was supposed to be an option but due to the fast recovery, that was then irrelevant.

Feed Rate

Supplies to private institutions and restaurants had been excessive as it correspond the orders or the requirement in order for each establishment to provide for the daily budget. Poultry Bazaar makes sure distribution is equal and as much as possible, quality fowls are made out of poultry pens. The feed rate matches that of the need. People tend to acknowledge the good price and the healthy equivalent when they include chicken and egg on their meals. The provisions of the company were highly satisfactory and it never caused a problem.

Leading Poultry stock in The Market

Being the leading poultry stocks in the market, this brand is a common name in every Indian household. 4 out of 5 households purchase their fridge stocks from Poultry Bazaar, or if not, another name may be seen but either they are from a reseller or they repack products from the same supplier. The sales had been consistently increasing and sales people were not even doing that much of an advertisement. Clean and fresh poultry products are making them omnipresent to every market. As they value their customers, it is being paid off by the good response from buyers.

Reviews in newsletters and daily papers also confirm the capacities of the company to provide quality poultry products in the country. In fact, they are now in the process of doing the papers so they can also deliver and provide as well for the need of the people from the neighboring countries and who has supply shortage due to the epidemic of chicken illnesses which caused low return of meat eggs. Poultry Bazaar is making sure the supply for India is enough and it is the supply priority. They will only export if supply is more than enough. Instead of the supply staying frozen for a long period of time, which will likely affect the quality, they better find good use of it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Discovering The Health Benefits of Eggs

These old cautionary tales have got both egg and non-egg fanatics out there perplexed as to whether or not their consumption is just as bad as inhaling fumes. These precious yolk-bearing ovals have been tagged as a strong source of the body’s increase in cholesterol and other heart-related illnesses.

Myths about Eggs

There have been so many allegations thrown against the reputation of eggs, more specifically in terms of their impact on our health. These old cautionary tales have got both egg and non-egg fanatics out there perplexed as to whether or not their consumption is just as bad as inhaling fumes. These precious yolk-bearing ovals have been tagged as a strong source of the body’s increase in cholesterol and other heart-related illnesses. Years ago, we had been warned to cut down our consumption because of the high content of cholesterol present in them that are feared to be clogging our arteries. Today, on the other hand, many studies have emerged in defense to the nutritional significance that eggs bring to our health. Isn’t it about time to unveil the truth behind all the allegations? Read on to unveil these unknown nourishing advantages and health benefits.

Healthy Eyes

Lutein and zeaxanthin are naturally present in a tiny area of our eyes’ retina- the one in charge of our vision. As we age, however, accumulation of lutein starts to dwindle, thereby causing degenerative conditions of the eye to take place. If not dealt with properly, this could lead to- knock on wood- blindness. This is why it’s only but logical to add lutein-rich food to our diet if we are serious about having healthy eyes. But where else can we find these foods that promote healthy eyes? Some may wonder. Well, the yolk of chicken eggs is the answer. According to one study, these eyesight friendly nutrients are more abundant in egg yolks than in any other source! So, if your vision has been a bit blurry lately, you probably find this finding worthy of a try.

Healthy Heart

Although egg yolks contain fat, studies proves that it is the saturated fat derived from unhealthy food sources that’s causing blood cholesterol levels to skyrocket. The fat present in eggs is actually unsaturated. In fact, this is the kind that is linked to high-density lipoprotein or better known as HDL. HDL is the “good cholesterol” that battles its opponent called low-density lipoprotein or “bad cholesterol” – the anti-hero of the story that accumulates in the blood vessels causing blood clots and subsequently, heart attack. This means that if we have more good cholesterol coming from these precious poultry products, then our risk of having heart problems will be greatly reduced. 

Healthy Hair

Eggs, which are protein-rich, also have this often underrated mineral: Sulfur.  This mineral is crucial to our metabolism. Now, if our body doesn’t have enough of it to aid our metabolism, this can lead to unwanted, painful bone and muscle conditions; conditions which can be avoided if we reap the healthful benefits of munching on these golden yolks. Although, this nutrient is also present in cabbages, garlic, and onion, sulfur is most likely to be plentiful in eggs.  Another thing is that this is also essential in promoting great hair and skill cells. Now, you have the answer to your bad hair days!

Different takes on the subject at hand can truly leave us baffled, to state the obvious. So if you’ve been feeling unsure about it, it’s time to have enough of all the skepticism and egg-shaming. Those archaic notions are nothing but myths. With all the amazing aforementioned benefits of eggs that are backed up by scientific studies, it would only be prudent to invest in our health with help of this amazing poultry miracle!

Visit for more updates on health benefits and poultry updates.